Sunday 30 April 2023

Lynsted community Orchard - with Basidioradulum radula possibly


While at the orchard I took a little time to look for fungi and came across these crust patches on what was most likely to be a small fallen branch of commercial cherry. I didn't think that it was Byssomerulius corium as the margins were not easily turned up, so my best bet was Basidioradulum radula.


Saturday 15 April 2023

More Steccherinum nitidum

 This is what Steccherinum nitidum looks like from a distance when the fallen branch it is growing on is propped up against a neighbouring sapling. I think the extensive fruiting patches indicate some quite dominant decomposer activity by this species.  

Some neat patches of this rather excellent poroid crust, found perhaps unseasonably in April. 

A closer view!

This area here shows water drop magnification of the pores!

Showing the clear white margin exceptionally well: