Thursday 25 July 2019

Leeds Castle

Good butterfly numbers mainly whites and meadow browns, one persistent Red Admiral on Stephen's shirt, nice veteran trees and Douglas Firs.

Ganoderma australe, Meripilus giganteus and Velutina flammulipes

Well worth a visit.

Monday 22 July 2019

A muggy Bourne walk

Although muggy, it was a little breezy and overcast. Not brilliant butterfly watching weather.

1 Peacock, 1 Hutchinsonii Comma. I haven't seen a Small Tortoiseshell for quite a while.

Several Small Whites, other Whites suspected.

Lots of Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers (including at least one female), a few Ringlets.

A few Banded Demoiselles, both males and females.

Walked along MT125 in the evening, a good patch of Common Cudweed by the small bridge.