Saturday 30 April 2016

Wryneck weirdness!

Had a lovely walk down to Reculver Marshes this afternoon - slow and concentrating on bird ID. over the railway line a kindly birder walked me back to where the Wreyneck was - its so easy when someone points a bird out to you!

The Wryneck is a really weird looking bird. Its colouration is all odd - the spots and streaks remind me of dazzle camouflage from WW I.

House Sparrows. Pied Wagtail. 10+ Swallows flying out to sea and along the coast. Also 14 Turnstone, some in breeding plumage, 7 Cormorants, Herring Gulls, 1 Black-headed Gull, 5 Oystercatchers. 7 Sedge Warblers, 2 or more Reed Warblers, 3+ Whitethroats, 5 Blackbirds, 3 Robins. 1 Little Egret, 2 Redshanks, 17 Mute Swan. most in one group.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Salix viminalis catkins

Returning to Leybourne I looked in particular at the catkins of the Salix viminalis plants on the south side of The Ocean. The first plants were female, and the next ones were male.

The female plant was a beauty and at least some of the catkins were still "active" despite it being nearly the end of April. This is a shot of quite near the tip of a twig, with the bud scale still closed over the female catkin, and an Andrena bee, most likely a fairly well worn male, on the right of the twig. The scale of the opening catkin to the bottom left is below, just visible!

This is a shot of a later, but still early, female catkin on the lower right hand side, showing the silky white hairs, with the female stigmas and styles starting to project out and expand into their active Y-shapes. The catkin on the left hand side of the twig, slightly out of focus, has the stigmas more fully expanded. The two catkins (immediately above and above and to the right) are just losing their scales. The twig on the left shows the pruinescence of the young twigs of S. viminalis, making them look dark grey-green before they turn shiny yellow or yellowy-green lower down the twigs.  

Here the same bee is exploring an open female catkin a little lower down the twig, perhaps getting nectar from some of the nectaries in the female catkin.

One of the odd things is the sequence of catkins opening on the twig - here you can see fully open female catkins lower down, and partly open catkins higher up, with closed catkins in between.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Salix city at catkin time

Back to Leybourne Lakes and there are plenty of willows in flower.

The Salix viminalis was fairly well over, but I did find some female catkins that were only just past their best, with styles still in place, and some male catkins still with stames emerging from the inflorescence. This timing fits with Meikle stating that this is one of the first willows to flower, from late February onwards. I don't think that it was that early this year, but I certainly was seeing the tail end of the flowers by now. The female fruits on some trees were swelling with the vestigial remnants of the styles and stigmas only just still visible. It would be interesting to go back around the site checking to see which plants are male and which are female. They would have either been planted or perhaps germinated from seed. The distribution appears to be around "The Ocean" and I would feel this is consistent with planting whips or other propagules when the site was replanted after its use as gravel pits was discontinued. I need to look elsewhere and compare this with its natural distribution along river banks in Russia as according to Meikle.

As in Meikle, the male flowers each have two glabrous stamens, up to 1 cm. long, much longer than the catkin scale. From the same source, the anthers are oblong, yellow, about 0.5 mm long and 0.2 mm wide, and all these points fit with the plants at Leybourne which I have checked.

Friday 22 April 2016

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis on West Flood, flew close-by over the road and on to the ditch towards the seawall on the East Flood.

Monday 4 April 2016


Wonderful afternoon, starting with a Black Redstart, followed by Swallows, a Knot and finally a couple of beautiful male Wheatears.

This is the Knot, the first time I have been really sure of seeing one. Nice combination of a shortish black bill and greenish (although I would have said yellowish-greenish) very grey overall, with the barred rump visible between the wings (rather more marked than I had imagined). The wing feathers were not scalloped as in a juvenile, but maybe there are no juvenile plumages left by this time of year anyway. The eye-stripe was obvious through the telescope. The breast markings were small elongated spots, with a few chevron marking below the wings towards the rear.

Why was this bird on its own? It was feeding by dipping its bill into the water very rapidly, quite close to the shore. This is described in BWP as pecking, "to be found 2 hours either side of high tide on sand on the upper shore" and is much more rapid (about once a second) than the normal probing down on the estuary mud.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Black-tailed Godwits at Oare Marshes

Most individual birds are now moulting into their breeding plumages, and beginning to look absolutely stunning.

This bird was just changing into some breeding feathers, but is very slow.

This individual was noticeably still very grey indeed and I wondered whether it might be a young non-breeder? It seemed to me to be superficially quite "scaly" on its wings and coverts, but most importantly fairly well worn, so possibly still retaining its juvenile feathers. Its bill was incidentally also clearly still over-wintering pink as opposed to the breeding yellow.