Saturday 17 November 2012

North Wales coast

There is just so much I have to learn, its endlessly fascinating, but quite scary.

I think these are maybe first winter oystercatchers, Haemotopus ostralagus, a bit more foolhardy, dark tips to the beaks, dark eyes, slightly browner (less black) backs (?), less well coloured legs (apparently quite obvious I would have said). Both have the white chin-strap of the winter plumage, one more clearly than the other. They seem to have quite short strong bills, so may be males if the sexual dimorphism is clearly seen in the young birds as well as the mature ones. The bills are quite orange as opposed to yellow to my surprise as young birds, so they are a bit confusing.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Corylus at Dene Park

Had to shift up to Dene Park today to walk Monty, and so had a look at the hazel leaves alongside the widened rides. I thought there were hazel big bud mites, Phytoptus avellanae and Phyllonorycter coryli on the upper surface of several leaves and a Stigmella type mine too long vacant to identify. 

Saturday 3 November 2012

Bewl Safety Boat and bonfire fireworks

Spent the day on Bewl Water in a very cold safety boat - but what a beautiful day! Great company from Jonathan - what a splendid chap - and a photographer as well. Pity I wasn't able to take the camera out with me, so missed out on recording all the beautiful views. Due to forgetting where I had last left my sailing boots, tried using trainers instead - worked very well indeed!

Black headed gulls in winter plumage, Herring Gulls, a couple of pair of mallard, and several cormorants.

We think because of fireworks bangs and whistles, Monty has decided it is safer upstairs than downstairs.